Sven Maihöfer

Sport: Hiking, Athletic Fit, Acroyoga

At University Sports since:
summer semester vacation 22

What fascinates me about my sport is...

... Acroyoga is a sport that combines yoga, fitness and acrobatics, and the feeling of mastering positions with partners is just great.

... what excites me about athletic fit is that we can push our bodies to their limits with almost no equipment. We can do athletic fit in the park but also in the hotel room.

What fascinates me about University Sports is...

... that we grow beyond ourselves with the other participants, form friendships and it is simply fun to forget everyday life in the group while doing sports.

When I'm not practicing my sport...

... I finish my doctoral thesis, organise intercultural cooking events or try out other sports.

My motto is:

Any human being could be your next best friend.

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